Jorfor’s Hall Vikings will demonstrate a range of crafts and skills from over 1,000 years ago when you’ll be able to walk through the village and experience the sights and sounds of your ancestors.
This event is FREE with a valid annual pass.
You’ll be able to immerse yourself into the life of a hunting and trapping family.
You’ll see rare furs and skins the family have traded from across the seas and experience demonstrations of crafting tools and how to hunt and trap animals for food and trading.
There will be cooking demonstrations and you’ll be able to see examples of the clothing they wore. You will also get an insight into the music, games and other pastimes which the Vikings enjoyed.
You will learn about different Viking combat tactics, weaponry and armour with displays of each.
24th-26th May, 28th/29th June, 26th/27th July, 16th/17th August, 27th/28th September, 25th/26th October